Are you and active or passive creator?
❓Do you desire something❓ CREATE IT! 👉In life…everything you want to experience needs to be created. Either by you or by someone else. 👉If something
❓Do you desire something❓ CREATE IT! 👉In life…everything you want to experience needs to be created. Either by you or by someone else. 👉If something
My morning meditation treasures: An evolution of perspectives on healing … I used to love Aya… this is how we called her… back then when
Since my latest tantric initiation in India, started to do something more often I wanted to do for long long time – but haven’t due
I was in India during the new moon in December. As the time of the new moon is to set intentions, and plant seeds for
Merry Christmas for everyone from incredible India! This was such a crazy Christmas and December. And still continues. As the final stage of a tantric
Maybe you wonder why we engage in fire ceremonies during a REBIRTHING BREATHWORK FACILITATOR TRAINING…?! Well, because this is what shall be done. Weekly fire
SIDE EFFECT #1 A potential side effect of coming to this program is FINDING YOUR PURPOSE. Actually, RECOGNISINGyour purpose is a better way to describe
My car is sold. My house is packed up and rented for someone. Trees are freshly planted in the garden – they will take root
Probably you have heard me saying that I moved back to my home country after a decade of being a ’nomad’. I wanted to settle
Sometimes working as a holistic sex&relationship coach feels like being on the dating scene. Especially, when I get ghosted by someone. By someone who reached
Happy birthday For Me! Today, is a BIG celebration! It is big, because I celebrate my birthday & the 1 year anniversary of my return
CELEBRATION! REBIRTHING DID ITS JOB! *** YOU ALWAYS TEACH WHAT YOU NEED THE MOST. Not only because you learn your subject the most by teaching
It is that time of the year again. The time of getting ready for another Rebirthing Breathwork program. Actually, the LAST one of 2021.
HOW REBIRTHING BREATHWORK HELPED A NATO SOLDIER TO FIND HIS PURPOSE Throughout the years of guiding clients, I’ve witnessed many life changing experiences.
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY PEOPLE CHOOSE TO BECOME FACILITATORS? Why do they study to become a particular type of coach or ‘healer’? Do they
Covid hit me right in the gut. It punched me in the chest and the head. And I kicked back at it. I had
The theme of self-care came up in (almost) in every workshop I run until now. People often times think that self-care is egoism or being
When the belief is changed – so your world MINDSET is everything. Seriously…EVERYTHING. I mean it! Most of the work we do with
PART 2 – Love can heal everything…however, are you available for that kind of love?The other day I posted about how living with a wounded
IT is such an IMPORTANT topic…so let’s continue on ABANDONMENT In a previous post(s) I talked about how Abandonment might look like in relationships
A KEY to live a more harmonious life IS to understand yourself + understand what you do to yourself & others…🔆AND choosing to act on
Love is the ULTIMATE healer…. BUT is the kind of love which could nourish your heart actually available to you? Love can heal
It took me a while to realise that I was an abandoned child. I used to think that the word ‘abandonment’ referred to being a
My heart goes out to those grown ups who’s life is negatively impacted by their upbringing. To the child within them – who is still
When I listen to my body, I WIN. When I ignore my body, I LOSE. The other day I shared some signs that you
The other day I posted about the importance to live a body-connected life & to listen to the wisdom of the body. This body-connected
Your body is speaking to you! It needs something. It wants you to take care of it – for your own good! What you put
The other day this question came up in my “Healing the Inner Child’ group : “What do you do when you hit the wall of
The other day we had this conversation in the women’s group about TAKING up space. It was a sharing circle, part of our Women’s
© Chandra Polyak, 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Email: info@tantrikakademia.com